The Creative Studio Try It Box is a curated selection of high-quality art supplies that allows you to experiment with colored pencils, graphite pencils, pastels and more!
Contents Include: 6 Goldfaber Color Pencils #107 Cadmium Yellow, #109 Dark Chrome Yellow, #121 Pale Geranium Lake, #137 Blue Violet, #147 Light Blue and #166 Grass Green, 4 Goldfaber Graphite Pencils HB, 2B, 4B and 6B, 12 Soft Pastels in colors: White, Cadmium Yellow, Dark Cadmium Yellow, Permanent Carmine, Alizarin Crimson, Light Purple Pink, Violet, Ultramarine, Light Cobalt Turquoise, Permanent Green, Van Dyck Brown and Black, 1 Pitt Artist Pen Superfine #199 Black, 1 paper blender, 1 eraser,1 metal
sharpener and an info guide.